What is Friends of John Jay Jaguars Athletics, Inc. (FOJJJA?)

  • NYS Non-Profit Charitable Organization

    FOJJJA, Inc is a NYS Non-Profit Charitable Organization. Our Employer Identification Number (EIN)/ ”Tax ID number” is:


  • IRS Recognized 501(c)3 Organization

    FOJJJA, Inc. is a tax-exempt charitable organization, recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under section 501(c)3 of the federal tax code.

    You can find our “501(c)3 letter” HERE

  • NYS Sales Tax Exempt

    FOJJJA, Inc. is also exempt from NYS Sales Tax. For a copy of our sales tax certificate, please email info@johnjayjaguars.org

FOJJJA’s Mission

Enriching the well-being and lifestyles of student-athletes and the wider John Jay Campus community is the mission of FOJJJA. This commitment is foundationally about physical fitness, but also extends beyond embracing programs that cultivate critical life skills and promote healthy competition.

Since its inception in 2021, the John Jay Jaguars have symbolized the unity and spirit of collaboration among more than 500 student-athletes from five distinct public high schools. This diverse group of high school students is united in their dedication to excellence across 30 teams, exemplifying the power of sports in bringing together students from varied backgrounds to foster community, respect, and mutual understanding.


Board of Directors

Kathryn Krase, President: Parent to Current Jaguar (president@johnjayjaguars.org)

Tom Donohue, Treasurer: Parent to Current Jaguar (treasurer@johnjayjaguars.org)

Chris Johnson, Member: John Jay Alumni Athlete

Carlyle Leach, Member: Former NYC Educator/Administrator

Learn about what it means to be an “anti-racist team” through WNYC’s “Keeping Score” Podcast about the Fall 2022John Jay Jaguars Varsity Girls Volleyball Team.