Contribute to a Team/ Pay Team Dues

It costs $100-600 per player to cover expenses for uniforms, tournament fees, special events, senior recognition, and more, beyond what the school receives from the City. Individual coaches will share per player expenses for a particular team.

  • If you are in a position where you could cover the cost of your player, that would be great.

  • If you can contribute more than your athlete’s portion of team expenses, that would be greatly appreciated.

  • If you can’t contribute at all, or can only contribute a smaller amount, do not worry. Your player’s contribution through participation is most important. Jaguars participate equally regardless of payment.

Please note that most electronic forms of payment (e.g. Venmo, credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash App, and bank account) will result in a small fee to FOJJJA, Inc. If you can provide an extra $5-20 to help cover those expenses, that would be greatly appreciated.


Regardless of payment method, please note the player’s first initial and last name, as well as the team/sport, in the subject/memo space.

For example: “J. Jones, Girls Varsity Volleyball”.

Payment Methods


  • This is best for the Jaguars, because it is quick and does not cost anything to you or us.

  • Search for us in your bank app, or use the Zelle QR code.

  • Please note team & player in the “Message to Recipient” section.

Check/money order

  • Make the check/money order out to “FOJJJA, Inc.”.

  • Give to team coach, or contact FOJJJA for dropoff/mailing info.

  • Please note team & player in the Memo section.


  • Give to team coach. 


  • Search for @FOJJJA in your app, or use the Venmo QR code.

  • Make sure you choose the approved charity.

  • Please note team & player in the “What’s this for” section.

Credit card/ ApplePay/ GooglePay/ CashApp/ Bank

  • Use the Select the Season/ Sport on the website menu.

  • Click on the box to support the team/pay dues.

  • ApplePay/GooglePay/Cash options are not always available on a computer, but should be available on a phone/tablet.